Command And Control Has Little In Common
With Cooperation

 In the Dim Past

Command and control began with the atavistic mindset distinctive of the psychopathic bully.

Killing To “Solve” Problems

Militant, tyrannical, dictators, headed armies of conscripted subservient men, along with mercenary vagabonds. These mercenaries, holding the same disturbed mindset as their hiring dictators, felt wasting others was well worth a bellyful of food. With perhaps the bonus of a coin or two.

Establishing absolute power over their fellow Human Beings was the intention, and purpose, of these megalomaniacal dictators. Empire building was the means used to achieve it.

The regressive consequences rendered from these empire seekers unrestrained actions is not suitable subject matter for a Personal Development website.

It is suffice to say History that reliably informs us there was overwhelming destruction and Human suffering. This dim past lingers still. Recognizable in the activities of lower plane thinkers. In all avenues of life.

The remediation for this deficient behavior lies within the grasp of every Human who adopts the Higher Plane Thinking offered by Nature. In the guise of Personal Development.


Paradoxically it is subjugated victims who provide despotic monsters with their heinously used power to control the Minds and Actions of their fellows.

Wearing their submissive conformity like a badge of honor, perhaps because that is the only way they could justify their inability to alter or modify their circumstances, these poor souls accepted their lot as fate.

Heedless to the power inherent in their own Mind, hapless individuals permit fear to drive the submission that generates the power to abuse. In an unceasing cycle of violent horror.

No Leadership Here

To maintain a semblance of discipline amongst the ranks of the sad and sorry rabble that constituted these early armies, harsh measures were implemented.

Conforming to the intellectual ineptitude typical of the Non Thinker, incentives not to turn tail and run in the opposite direction to the “enemy”, consisted entirely of punishment. Including losing one's life at the hands of a "superior".

Or the psychologically devastating practice of decimation.

Here, at the end of a battle, when soldiers refused to fight, every tenth man would randomly be murdered at the whim of the force's commander.

Mindless domination, of their fellows, was the name of the game, and the unequivocally most violent entities determined the pecking order of authority.

This is where we find the genesis of command and control.

Unsound Foundation For Society

Whilst the hierarchical system of Command and Control has been refined somewhat over thousands of years and today's version is possibly the most efficient way to operate modern democratic military forces, it does not lend itself readily to either the Freedom, or Expression of Thought.

Violence seized the benefits of creative thought

Particularly in the realm of Creative Thought.

Neither does command and control offer the freedom of movement necessary to give birth to the manifestation of creative Thought.

With the arrival of Commerce, founded, as it was, on invasion, colonization, and slavery, this same military hierarchical structure conveniently served as a business model.

The Command and control mindset has infiltrated and been adopted by Religion, Politics, and Education. And elsewhere. Reminiscent of a blundering business, these institutions bulldozed their cumbersome, expensive way to whatever forced outcome.

Creative Thought was dampened and suppressed wherever domination and intimidation were to be found.

concurrently, violence, whether physical or psychological, commandeered the hard-won fruits of Creative Thought wherever the higher reaches of Thought wre exercised.

Leaving Human behavioral progress floundering in it's wake.

This truly contemptible political model, based in bondage, in various guises, is still employed wherever it is accepted by it's unwitting victims.

Instigated through the unhealthy desire to control and conduct the mind and culture of fellow Humans, domination, and it's close relative, avarice, are two of the greatest impediments to resolving daunting problems threatening Humanities very survival.

Mindless Muggers

Inheriting a clumsy oppressive legacy such as command and control should not surprise us by the trouble it has spawned.

As in the past, continuing to the present time, despotic types insist on doing the same things the same way. Emphasizing their lack of creative thought.

Modern individuals can educate, and enable themselves, to eradicate the bordering on insane conduct, of command and control domination. Then set their World on the path of flourishing by instituting Collaboration and Democracy.

We Are All One and All Equal

We can further accomplish this flourishing by joining the Growing Move toward Open Minded Sharing. In doing so we recognize and accept that Human Beings are all one and all equal.

Open Source is a growing institution with the core Belief that while Leadership is the optional right of every Man, Women, and yes, Child, domination of our fellows is the right of no one.

When Individuals, or Groups, or Institutions, attempt to dominate others, whether in domestic affairs, business, politics, religion, or elsewhere, then we are encouraging and condoning the deluded Thinking of the sick Mindless Muggers of Human Freedom, Dignity, and Creativity.

When we endeavor to dominate others, we are stalling Human behavioral advancement. And, demonstrating by our actions, admitting to intelligent eyes and ears that we are destitute of Progressive Imagination and persuasive ideas.

Deficiency of Progressive Imagination is the intrinsic reason why psychologically induced fear, brute force, and weapons capable of physical harm, are the tools of Muggers.

Hope On The Horizon

Fortunately, via the persistent endeavors of many wise and dedicated thinkers over time, we have eventually entered an era of enlightenment where megalomania is recognized as a mental illness.

There is a solution, and that solution is you and me

But it's legacy is proving everywhere difficult to eradicate. Including the business world. Where, often, it's short lived advantages are embraced as economic heroism. 

However, there is a solution, and that solution is you and me.

As increasing numbers of individuals educate themselves in mind expansion - in so doing, developing their Personal Power - it will then become progressively easier to solve the ills Society has created through it's ignorance of the consequences of Natural Law, and passive acceptance of domination.

These modern times have provided ready access to sound knowledge of the Philosophy of Personal Development. A philosophy accessible to all. Guiding and aiding us to purposely resolve society's ills. And, of sobering significance, delivering Tools to obviate that ever more obvious destination of self destruction if we don't.

Recalling that everything in the Universe evolves, and, for better or worse, Humans influence Evolution, we can gratefully accept what progress we have made, and knowingly accelerate further progress by Cooperating and Collaborating with like minds. Where ever in our travels we may encounter those like minds.

By Cooperating to the benefit of all, we can Purposely suffocate conflict by refusing to allow it to dictate our every action.

Command And Control - - -

Doesn't make it easy to obtain another's cooperation, particularly when it appears to hold no immediate individual benefit.

Willing cooperation encourages and develops an intrepid, invincible spirit in all who share it as a matter of course

To gain another's wiling cooperation, first and foremost you require their undivided attention.

Then you need his or her desire to listen . . . .

Your proposition must be understood and consent obtained . . . .

Last, but not least, his or her willingness to put their heart and soul into action should be evident.

Conflict has no intellectual requirements.

Command and control typifies this lack of intellectual effort, engendering strife and ambivalence. Imposing irrational emotional burdens on everyone involved. Including the "Do as I say" boss.

Conflict causes and exacerbates suffering, pain and losses. In every avenue of Life. Including deteriorating Relationships, lost production and profits, and severe losses in the intellectual realm of progressive ideas and imagination. Conflict shatters confidence and shreds dignity.

And that is in civilized societies not at war.

Alternatively, Willing Cooperation encourages an intrepid, invincible can do attitude in all who share it. As a matter of course. Opening ever more new vistas of opportunity. All the while it strengthens Trust.

It Is Easy - - -

To cooperate when we reach the conclusion that conflict has absolutely zilch going for it. Cooperation not conflict, becomes an effortless approach for Intelligent Minds in possession of Personal Power, to adopt.

When, as individuals, we master the principle of cooperation in our place of work, collectively helping to transform it into profitable congregations of harmoniously productive activity, we will be adding to the joy of the World. And making it ever more difficult for the lesser minds who would dominate, to ply their non thinking obnoxious trade.

Banishing the icky temptation to command and control to the dustbin of the dim past

Let's Not Forget

The doctrine of cooperation, not conflict, begins in an individual's own mind and radiates outward to encompass all other Beings that cross one's path. This doctrine's kernel, strength, and ability to solve any and all problems is inextricably entwined with Sharing.

Rendering Command and Control redundant.

Command And Control Does Not Rock!

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