Tools and Mind are inseparable. One without the other is of little use. Our Mind is a product of our Brain, and as such can be considered our base, or machine, tool, with which we manipulate special ancillary tools.
Akin to all special tools, without a competent base machine, ancillary tools are pretty much useless. Machines and tools should indeed complement each other in the same manner as does a drill and drill bit. Milling machine and milling cutter. Screwdriver and the Human hand. Sewing machine and needles. The now ubiquitous Computer and its programs. You are no doubt familiar with many more examples.
The combination of Mind and Universal law, executed via Thought, is prerequisite to the conception, production, and implementation of any tool available to we Humans. This fact makes Mind our greatest tool.
A base machine and its tools is super effective when applied with intelligent forethought. No matter what activity one may be engaged in doing. Engagement includes any and all tools, whether they be Material or Spiritual.
Not much can happen without tools and mind. Yet, as a species we Humans are expressing great difficulty in comprehending the enormous power Spiritual Intelligence places at our individual and collective cognitive doorstep. This incomprehension, leading to misuse and abuse of Spiritual Intelligence is the root cause of the majority of woes we are suffering. All the while existing in a World of abundance.
When Homo Sapiens first appeared, what existed in their material world? Spot on. Next to nothing.
It is instructive to note that, as simple as may now appear to modern Humans, the first invention we are aware of happens to be a tool.
Mind development tools, in common with tools of whatever description, are an extension of the Human mind. Originally conceived in the consciousness of an individual. Either by discovery or invention.
This exact same conception can take place in the Conscious Awareness of other individuals anywhere on the Planet.
Conscious Awareness of a given concept, - of any description - can take place at the very same, or any other time, without any knowledge of each other, or any physical means of contact or Communication.
Tools of every kind come into existence as we need and Desire them.
Once they see the light of day any of these tools can be copied, or simply used effectively, by anyone with the nous to comprehend and apply them. Today, thanks to applied Thought, we are spoilt for Choice with tools.
Tools and mind compliment each other, and work in Harmony, when the individual has an open Mindset. A mindset is open when one is ready to examine and learn. Without bias or prejudice.
Harmony is of utmost importance. This utmost importance of harmony can be deduced by one's knowledge of machines. No machine can give of its best unless all components are working together in concordance.
Imagine the catastrophe, if an aileron or any other functional component of an aircraft decided to quit, or goof off, any old time it felt like it.
Sadly, we Humans possess a tendency to goof off. Whenever the urge takes us. Except of course, you and me.
An open mindset geared towards Harmony is fundamental to the competent functioning of tools and mind.
The nitty gritty
of life pivots on Human behavior. Human behavior pivots on mindset.
Mindset pivots on one's understanding of the world he or she is existing
,For most Humans, probably since Habilis decided by default not to pursue development of the stone hand axe for a couple of million years, changing ones mindset has proved inordinately difficult.
John Maynard Keynes, that most influential of 20th Century British Economist, whose ideas helped shape our current World Economic Policies, offers us a salient lesson in mindset. All the more so when one considers Humanities sciolous (dim) understanding of Economics.
When confronted by a querulous journalist with the provocative gibe,“Why did you change your mind?” John retorted, “That's what I do when I am wrong. What do you do, when you are wrong?”
Keynes recognized that when one is wrong, the wisest course of action is to change one's mindset. This may seem obvious, but decades on, Humanities still superficial understanding of economics prevents us from recognizing when we are wrong in this field. This inability to get it prevents a change of economic direction, for the better, by changing our collective mindset.
Once we accept the premise that Natural Law pertains to Human behavior as effectively as it does to the functioning of the Universe, we are on the path of enlightenment. Nature comes to our aid by our very act of willingly making the effort to understand and work with Her. We gain mind expanding insights which allow us to build blueprints from which we can reshape our perception of the World.
Mind expansion is a process that never finishes. As you make progress, equipped with an enlightened perception, your comprehension ever deepens, allowing you to exploit your innate potential with total confidence.
In Western culture, awareness of the fundamental Natural Laws that underpin the Universe, and the Human Mind, entered Human Consciousness via the presocratic Greek Thinkers. Thales of Miletus initiated the painfully slow comprehension of Natural Law when he questioned the customary practice of superstition. Gaining insights into the real workings of Nature.
From those early insights - sixth century BC - to the present day, widespread Human perception of Nature has remained hazy, to say the least. Particularly in the realm of Human behavior.
Humanity can advance technologically by means of a relative few intelligent minds understanding the laws of physics that allow a technological lifestyle. Not so Socially.
To advance Socially, whereby we improve the Human Condition, and create an equitable environment where negative influences such as violence are non existent, requires the vast majority of individuals to be conversant with the laws of Nature that allow such an environment. Tools and mind are the means Humans use to attain goals of every description. Whether Good or evil.
Tools and mind come together with a power that defies description when Natural Law is elevated to it's rightful position of first place in one's thinking hierarchy. Rendering Force, and evil, redundant.
In the Spiritual sense, don't be lulled into complacency perhaps because you may be familiar with the names of these Laws. Complacency breeds neglect. Neglect courts disaster. This point requires no elaborating. The evidence stares us in the face. And goes by the name of History.
Most Physical tools stay put, inactive until you consciously employ them.
On the other hand, Nature's Laws, heavyweight tools for the mind, practiced until proficiency is acquired, eventually become subconscious mind tools. Working dutifully and reliably in the background. Sharpened by purposeful awareness.
Who knows, maybe the Human mind is a Tool of Nature. The medium She uses to communicate Her Desires to us. Those desires being the things we believe to be our discoveries and inventions.
Nature broadcasts a perennial and consistent message that we are all one. When all we Humans, of every color and creed, together as one mind, decide to recognize and listen to Her inspiring, invigorating, and liberating message, it will be to our immediate benefit.
She could divulge to us secrets that will make Humanities ever struggling progress look like the scribbles of a child who has just discovered crayons. And a wall.
Becoming one, and creating the best of possible Worlds where every Human flourishes, is a vision we should all hold. We can contribute to and hasten that future in an individual capacity by understanding tools and mind.
Listening to, and communicating with Nature is the direct route to problem solving. Allowing Her to take the lead, She guides you by revelation, via thought.
Consciously relaxing our defences begins the process of opening up, listening to, and communicating with the source of all knowledge. With practice this mental activity soon becomes a subconscious and stalwart ally. Ideas flow like a waterfall.
Whilst this mental activity can be engaged in anytime, anywhere, - as can meditation – it is most effective when combined with another powerful mind tool, that of solitude. Once this is accomplished, and you have several ideas to work with, it leaves just one more step. That step is Reflection.
Reflection, too, is a mind tool, and is necessary to complete the process of choosing, and refining, your perceived ideas into an equitable solution.
You can then perform the physical labor required to turn your thoughts into physical reality that benefits you, and or, your fellow Humans in a way not possible when one attempts to approach tools and mind from a command and control perspective.
Tools And Mind Rock!
You are only as good as your mindset