When we seek a collaboration definition we quite often find it is used in a generic sense to describe any group, partnership, or relationship where two or more Humans are active.
This dilutes the term more than somewhat when one wishes to construe a relationship that has Creativity as it's core intent. This means a relationship wherein two or more Minds coalesce for the express purpose of manifesting something original and new.
Collaboration is often mistaken for a union of mere convenience. Where the goal is to share
technology or expertise. Combined with a vague anticipation of gaining more than
is given.
While the Collaboration actuality is better understood
in the realms of Philosophy, Science, and the Arts, this generic
approach is still widespread. Especially in business.
Business, being the fundamental
driver behind our prosperity in it's role as the manufacturer, marketer, and distributor, of
most all manifestations of the Human mind, should be vitally interested in just how genuine Collaboration comes about.
The misconception of Collaboration is reinforced by another misconceived tradition. That of Competition.
We Humans live in a world where “winning” is everything. No matter how transient that “win” may be.
when the intent is to be outright winner, is the Primary Enemy of Collaboration. Such an aggressive Attitude reduces and often eliminates, opportunities for this shy
fellow to germinate. Let alone flourish.
The primitive cut-throat
attitude, portrayed by business in general, may well satisfy atavistic blood
lust. But, it simply does not coalesce with the higher reaches of Thought,
essential to, and for, Creation. Particularly as creation is expressed in the Collaboration
definition on this page.
More than mere postulation, this author believes an authentic Collaboration definition needs to be prefixed with the qualifier 'Creative'.
Adding such a qualifier Indicates that Collaboration is a relationship of eminently more substance than merely a convenient way to turn a quick buck. Or an opportunity to chance upon and execute a temporary advantage.
Many Collaboration opportunities present the immediate appearance of a brainstorming candidate. This may be so, and that is okay, if one is seeking an undertaking to focus on. However, deliberate Collaboration should have a definite predetermined purpose.
That is, to produce a particular new something that does not exist.
A definite purpose in this sense demands deep thinking skills and the ability to communicate with the higher reaches of Spiritual Intelligence.
Genuine Creative Collaboration embraces, and can be applied to, the entire gamut of Human activity.
Creative Collaboration requires two or more minds blend in absolute Harmony. When this State is attained it brings into being a distinctly separate Super-mind, capable of operating at frequencies that permit access to Natures Secrets obtainable in no other way.
Apart from
stealing others efforts.
This independent super-mind is at the behest of all and each, of the individual minds of a collaborative group, that created it. As long as Harmony prevails.
If harmony is permitted to collapse, the super-mind collapses.
It is via this fragile super-mind that all collaborators accomplish their truly amazing exploits.
Nature's priceless gift of the Law of Collaboration is Universal. Encompassing Engineering, Politics, Art - any and all creative endeavors. It matters not what the discipline is.
All fall under the influence of the same Natural Laws. These same essential requirements are prerequisite.
Harmony and Intent reign supreme.
Generally speaking, the motivation necessary to collaborate has to be more than the usual material incentives offered, such as money. Other considerations must come into play during collaborative efforts.
Collaboration is fundamentally a Human Creativity activity. A deep desire to build something new. Or improve on something that already exists.
To achieve the Harmonious Super-mind that is necessary for composite, or, that matter, any, Creativity, ornery Emotions must be subordinated to the higher Human Qualities requisite for sustainable activity.
Accomplishing, and maintaining, this State Of Mind can become difficult in the extreme, if not impossible, when rivalry and competition are permitted to enter the equation.
Cooperation can reasonably be anticipated of anyone who is actively involved with others. In the course of conducting life.
Collaboration, although complimentary to Cooperation, is Activity Specific, and it is rarely, if ever, a procedure one can delegate to another.
It is one thing to propose material incentives to induce others to Cooperate.
It is quite another thing to inspire others to Collaborate. Where the innate ability, and Desire, to communicate with Spiritual Intelligence, on that specific activity, is prerequisite.
In any combined activity where the goal does not require two or more minds to blend in harmony to produce a thing that would not otherwise exist, that act can usually be described as Cooperation.
A Joint Venture where shared expertise and attendant risk can benefit all involved parties, but nothing new or original is produced, would fall into this category.
If one's goal is simply to re-energize a flagging enterprise, or any situation, to hum with productive activity, Cooperation will be perfectly adequate. If one's intention is to bring into being a product of substance that does not already exist, then Creative Collaboration must be brought into play.
A Personal Development premise is comprehending we Humans create our own future. Creative Collaboration is a key component to constructing a future every Good Human Being would sanction.
Constructing, developing, and nurturing, a cooperative, collaborative attitude is possibly the most powerful and effective undertaking a Human can embark upon.
Elevated to it's ultimate state of usefulness - meaning when we engage in Creative Collaboration endeavors in the sense of the collaboration definition offered on these pages, what we Human's are really doing, is Solving Problems. On purpose.
The moment this desirable and entirely possible state of being has been attained amongst all Peoples, we will live in a Peaceful World.
Solving Problems On Purpose Rocks!
Next - Collaboration and Democracy