The First Glimmer of Human Intelligence

Part 2 - Part 1

Purposeful Human Intelligence

Human Intelligence appears to be evident in any meaningful way, a shade more than two million years ago. When Homo Habilis rocked up with the first known Tool.

The title, Homo Habilis, translates from Latin to English, as Handy Man. He was named so by his discoverers, the renowned husband and wife Palaeontologist duo, Louis and Mary Leakey, because he proved to be an adept Toolmaker. 


The ability to make Tools is an innate attribute, shared by more than a few modern descendants of Habilis.

However, this ability to make Tools is just one attribute of Intelligence. We are delving into the very essence of what makes us Human, the ability to Think. 

To place this investigation on a solid foundation from the outset, it is best to recognize that mental superiority is not gender specific.

Human Intelligence definitely differs, often markedly, between individuals. However there is scant evidence to suggest that Intelligence varies in any other manner between Humans. As in Race.

The descriptive term, Man, as in Mankind, can be used to collectively denote both genders of our species.

Handy Man could well have been Handy Woman. Females can make tools, just as effectively as can a male.

Human Intelligence Is Universal

In light of the perception in some quarters of Society that males are somehow superior to females, this author's preference is to lean towards the congenial description, Humankind, when discussing non gender specific issues.

As Human Beings we are all individuals, and all equal. The actuality that Intelligence varies is irrelevant to gauging our worth as a Human Being. It is the manner in which we interpret our Relationship to one another that defines our Character.

Thinking women from all cultures, all over the World, are proving these two points when they attain liberation, from the confines of males possessing a primitive, undeveloped, dominating Mindset. And join in concert with their Enlightened Brothers, who recognize the integral role females play, in every successful endeavor.

Practicing Personal Development expedites advancement towards this most desirable state of Physical and Spiritual Freedom.

Nature's Crucible

To the best of our knowledge, from Humanities inception, all the way up to Homo Habilis, our early forebears lived, and roamed the Land, with barely a Thought between them. There is evidence, however, that some of these early forebears prior to Habilis employed keen edge stones for Tools, but did not actually fashion them.

This slower age in Humanities Evolution may well have been, figuratively speaking, Nature's crucible, wherein She forged and sculpted our Brains in preparation for it to process Thought.

Building on hundreds of millions of years worth of physical development, Nature incorporated the Spiritual element of our Brain that allows we recipients to not only comprehend, explore, analyze, and appreciate, but also Communicate with Her enormous Creative efforts.
Nature was preparing to launch Her greatest vision, Human Intelligence. This author is very happy that She did.

Fast forward to the present age and we find an individual can take charge of that crucible. In conjunction with the applicable Natural Laws, we can now develop our individual Intelligence as readily as we can develop our individual body. How one uses this ability, also defines, and broadcasts, via our actions, the Character we are building.

First Inventor

Homo Habilis is estimated to have been around five feet tall. Weighing one hundred or so pounds. Habilis possessed a brain volume of 510 - 660 cubic centimeters, calculated using the Endocast Method. A manner of measuring internal volumes.

With the exception of Homo Floresiensis, a close relative, but not yet proven to belong to the Hominidae Family, Homo Habilis's brain volume is the smallest so far to be recorded.

Brain size per se not withstanding, Homo Habilis was ostensibly the first Human Inventor. He, or she, exhibited the initial glimmer of Human Intelligence as we recognize it today.

Though stone implements have been discovered dating back more than two and a half million years, and because the relationship, between the various species of the Hominidae Family, is indistinct and incomplete, Homo Habilis was awarded the distinction of the first Human Being to be credited with purposely designing and making a Tool.

First Invention

 Homo Habilis's useful Invention, the Stone Hand Axe, set the stage for the breathtaking, albeit heady technological future we mostly take for granted in modern times.

Humanities first invention

This invention bears the hallmarks of a Consciously Creative act.

Homo Habilis had stumbled across Creative Thought bringing Human Intelligence into productive play. 

Yet astoundingly . . .

It would be a better portion of two million years, before Habo's stone hand axe was superseded.

If this is true, and the evidence to hand indicates it to be, then this glaring neglect is of much interest to us. Begging investigation into realms such as Conscious Awareness and Reflection. Realms of Human Nature that remain as misunderstood today, as they apparently were in Homo Habilis's time.

Storehouse of Knowledge

Homo Habilis and their descendants spent the better part of two million years failing to capitalize on that first burst of Creative Thought. Content to merely indulge and share the limited knowledge they had obtained.

Progress from the storehouse of knowledge.

 Habilis appeared to be quite happy to use the Hand Axe in a manifold fashion, but completely neglected to develop it.

After that initial apparent surcharge of Creative Thought, Homo Habilis seemingly became . . .

 Unconscious of the Storehouse Of Knowledge at their behest. Infinite Knowledge provided by the Spiritual Intelligence of the Universe.

Knowledge is presented and delivered to the Human Mind via demand and Desire. Demand and Desire for knowledge is sparked by curiosity. Incidentally, this is the same Storehouse of Knowledge available to modern day Humans who care to Communicate with the Universe.

Lack Of Recognition

 Homo Habilis's desires were simple. The demands that they placed on Nature required little Thought and were easily met. Apparently they didn't have a clue where the power that allowed them to devise and use their, for the time, marvelous invention, came from.

Seemingly unable to recognize their Human Intelligence.

This seemingly lack of recognition was not entirely our forebears fault. Paradoxically, we need to build on current knowledge to gain new knowledge. Doing this places keen demand on our Conscious Awareness.

That stark actuality, that Humans must Demand and Desire knowledge in order to accomplish undertakings of every description, remains far from well known. Let alone well understood.

A wide-spread absence of comprehension of our Universal Spiritual Environment accounts for the insistent, clamorous, dissident squabbling and bickering encountered by so many of our fellow Humans.  

The failing of individuals to recognize their Human Mental Powers has persisted down through the ages to the present day, where the same failing still holds sway. Once we see what such an oxymoronic condition it is that we are suffering from, we will rise up and exclaim . . .


We will then go about liberating our Mind Power.

Addressing this oxymoronic condition, where ignorance dominates intelligence, holding our intelligence in check, offers opportunities that in current times can only be described as phenomenal. 

Intervening Period

In the intervening period period leading to the modern day Human, Homo Sapiens Sapiens, our full title, not a lot happened. Several species appeared, lived, then became extinct. A major activity was migration.

Fire was discovered and mastered around the half-way or one million year mark. Well earned Kudos to our early Forebears.

Homo Neanderthalensis.

Neanderthalensis, Homo Sapiens most recent relative, demonstrated a touch more awareness of their Human Intellect, than did Homo Habilis.

During a period of approximately 400,000 years Homo Neanderthalensis made slow, spasmodic intellectual progress.

As noted below, major accomplishments of our cousin Homo Neanderthalensis, were comparable with we Homo Sapiens.

Stone, Flint, Bone and Wood Tools were experimented with. And in the latter period, co-existing with Sapiens, Neanderthals built shelters, indulged in primitive art, clothed themselves, and buried their dead.

Then somewhere around thirty thousand years ago, for an as yet unknown reason, they too, became extinct.

Had Neanderthalensis survived, they could have proven themselves to be superior masters of Human Intelligence than we are. As we will discover, mastering our intelligence is a learnable skill.

Human Intelligence Rocks!

Part 2 - Part 1

Next - Primordial Human Intelligence

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